Audacious Arrows

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Love Is A Verb

The other day, I finally took a step of obedience concerning what God had been prompting me to do for months. At times, I can be a perfectionist and it has done nothing but hold me back.  The danger of being “perfect” is you keep waiting for the “perfect time” or the “perfect finished product”.  This often leads to paralysis from analysis.  You spend so much time trying to perfect a thing that you actually get stuck and fail to launch. Don’t get me wrong, operating in excellence is important.  However, there is a thin line between excellence and perfectionism.  Excellence says I will do everything in my power to present top quality.  Perfectionism says I will place unrealistic expectations on myself and when I fall short of those standards I will become discouraged; maybe I will kill myself trying to be perfect.  Either way, perfectionism leads to anxiety, disappointment, and delay. 

Granted, there are roadblocks seeking to hinder us from walking in total obedience to God. The truth is, my obedience is directly tied to my love for God.  Love is an action word.  If I love, I will do.  The equation looks something like this: Loving God = Obeying His Word. Love and obedience go hand in hand. If I truly love God, I will get a stick of dynamite and blow up any roadblock preventing me from obeying Him! (I know, that is a little dramatic but you get my drift.)

Jesus spoke very directly when He said that is we love Him, we will obey His commands. (See John 14:15).  His statement leaves no room for interpretation, I think it is pretty clear.  If anything, it should force us to reflect on our lives.  Do our lives say we love God or just our lips?

I can’t speak for you, but I do not want to give God lip service. I also recognize, because He is a Good Father, there is a reason He is asking me to do or not do specific things. There is a big picture that I cannot see but He can. I liken it to a young child. Their mother tells them not to touch the stove. These instructions are not to withhold the child from something but to protect them. The stove is hot and if the child touches it, they will burn their hand. The mother’s direction is based out of love and care.

To go a step further, I believe our obedience is bigger than us. Our willingness to say “yes” to God will not only impact our lives but the lives of the people in our sphere of influence. I think about my Pastors. Imagine if they said “no” when God told them to start our church. Could God have sent someone else to do it? Of course! But their yes to God has directly impacted my life for the better.

Take a moment to examine your own heart. Are there areas where you are not fully obeying God? Why not? What is hindering you? Spend time with God and allow Him to speak your heart. Repent for the areas where you have been disobedient and choose to obey.

Until Next Time,

Live Audaciously!

Kay Naomi