“Audacious Arrows are defined as instruments in the hand of God, who pursue their God given assignments with focus, boldness, and courage.” - Kay Naomi
Welcome to Audacious Arrows!
My name is Kay Naomi and I am so glad you decided to stop by!
I believe we were all created to be instruments in the hand of God. When we choose to yield to His will for our lives, we can liken ourselves to being an arrow in His hands. We find rest in His quiver. He sharpens us, stretches us, and shoots us into the heart of our destiny. He also calls us to be bold and courageous as we pursue each God-given assignment! My vision for this space is to gather a community of Audacious Arrows. Each devotional-style post is meant to encourage you, challenge you, and help you grow with God on your journey. Sometimes we discuss practical tips while other times we delve into matters of the heart. Following the plans of God for our lives was never meant to be done alone. Let’s do it together!
Here you will find my most recent posts as well as some of my favorites circa 2024!
We are meant to live life together - in community. There are times when I have to lean on your strength and vice versa. Our collective faith will take us further than we can go on our own.
I am sure you know what the thief of joy is. This is a statement that has been heard time and time again. Today we talk about it and I share my own challenges.
Today is a repost of a blog I shared back in 2019. We are talking about faith, perseverance, and endurance in God!
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Origin Story
Learn about the birth of and inspiration behind “Audacious Arrows.”
On day five, D encouraged me to have a fun night on the town because I deserved it. Did I mention we were going to one of my favorite restaurants in West Hollywood? Count me in!
There is one story that has always intrigued me. The premise is based on a group of military spies who were sent to scope out another country. Their mission required they move throughout this foreign land undetected.
The quiver represents the place where we reside until God pulls us out for a specific purpose. There is a Scripture that beautifully illustrates the relationship between the arrow and the quiver.
Imagine with me for a moment yourself as the arrow. Imagine you knew the archer holding you was the best of the best. You could trust confidently that he would point you in the right direction and release you with perfect timing.
Dig into the archives for more encouragement!
Since I moved to California, I spend a lot of time in my car. This has started my love affair with Podcasts. I always learn interesting facts and hear inspiring stories. I wanted to share one of these stories with you because I think it will encourage you as it did me!
In this life we are never stagnant. We are either moving forward and going backwards. Choose to move forward.
Hearing the voice of God is vital in the life of a believer. It helps us to know what decisions to make and how to respond in various situations.
We all face discouragement at some point in our lives. God has provided different ways for us to combat discouragement on our journey with Him.
Henry Ford put it this way: “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Being vulnerable is an area I have struggled with. Before I continue, I want to share a definition of vulnerability I heard from Brene Brown which captures beautifully the essence of the word for the context of our conversation.
On day five, D encouraged me to have a fun night on the town because I deserved it. Did I mention we were going to one of my favorite restaurants in West Hollywood? Count me in!
I have an affinity for flowers and plants that has increased over this past year. Flowers have always been an inexpensive addition to my home that quickly adds vibrancy and joy. Last week, I walked into the grocery store to purchase a few items. Upon entering, my eyes were drawn to a beautiful flower I now know is called a Protea.