“Audacious Arrows are defined as instruments in the hand of God, who pursue their God given assignments with focus, boldness, and courage.” - Kay Naomi

Welcome to Audacious Arrows!

My name is Kay Naomi and I am so glad you decided to stop by!

I believe we were all created to be instruments in the hand of God. When we choose to yield to His will for our lives, we can liken ourselves to being an arrow in His hands. We find rest in His quiver. He sharpens us, stretches us, and shoots us into the heart of our destiny. He also calls us to be bold and courageous as we pursue each God-given assignment! My vision for this space is to gather a community of Audacious Arrows. Each devotional-style post is meant to encourage you, challenge you, and help you grow with God on your journey. Sometimes we discuss practical tips while other times we delve into matters of the heart. Following the plans of God for our lives was never meant to be done alone. Let’s do it together!


Here you will find my most recent posts as well as some of my favorites circa 2024!

Click here to read more “Featured”

Origin Story

Learn about the birth of and inspiration behind “Audacious Arrows.”


Dig into the archives for more encouragement!