Swiper No Swiping

My good friend was in town the past two days and I was determined to be the “Hostess with the Mostess.”  I had resolved in my mind our Wednesday night festivities would cause us to arrive home pretty late.   I normally utilize Wednesday to prepare my post for Thursday so I knew I would be sacrificing sleep to write.   As we walked around Griffith Park Observatory, I began pondering what I would share with you.  Then came the light bulb moment.  (Thank God!) I pulled out my phone, opened up my notes and began to write these words: “Thieves to Discipline.” While an entire book could be written on this topic, I just want to focus on three “thieves.”

Thief Number One: Lack of Planning

I have been both successful and unsuccessful at bringing my lunch to work.  I am sure you have heard financial advisors and health gurus’ alike boost about the benefits of preparing your own food.  You save money and you are able to create nutrient rich meals. The one factor that determines whether I will be leaving the house with a packed lunch or walking into Sharkey’s is planning.  We have all heard the adage, “when you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”  I believe there is truth to this as it has played out in my own life.  My failure to plan has definitely hindered my ability to be disciplined in this area. This is just one example but how many times have you seen this happen in your life?  Where can you be more intentional in your planning?

Thief Number Two: Emotions

“I don’t feel like it.” I am sure I said that to my mother more than once but that never stopped her from requiring me to complete the task at hand.  She was teaching me not to be moved by my feelings.  Granted, we are emotional beings and our feelings in themselves are not a bad.  They can motivate us, warn us, and the list goes on.  If we are honest, they fluctuate based on a myriad of reasons.  There are plenty of times I would rather be at home watching a movie or relaxing instead of going to the gym.  Some days I am tired and I don’t “feel like” exerting the extra energy.  However, I made a commitment to work out a certain amount of times each week. Full disclosure: I have not gone at times because I didn’t “feel like it.” However, I try to “go when I planned to” because I know it will bring me a step closer to my goal.

Thief Number Three: Commitment (or lack thereof)

While at dinner, my friend and I were talking about her attempts at being a vegan.  She would stick to it for a period of time but would break down and eat meat.  After the last failed attempt, she decided to examine her reason for doing it in the first place.  She realized, she liked meat! At some point, she equated “healthy” with being a vegan.  Assessing our true motivation for committing to something is vital.  We must ask ourselves the question, “why?”  This allows us to look at the big picture and set goals we can get behind fully. If not, we will give up when things become challenging. My commitment to this blog and the vision has certainly caused me to strengthen my discipline muscle.  The more we do it, the stronger we become.  What areas do you need to “exercise” discipline?

Before I go, I want to leave you with this.  The Bible tells us that God has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline (See 2 Timothy 1:7). Are you walking in revelation of this gift? Don’t allow these thieves of discipline to steal what God has for you.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Reveal to me any areas in my life where I lack discipline. Help me to walk in discipline in every area of my life. Help me to not be ruled by my feelings. Help me to not only plan but to follow through. Thank you that you have given the Spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. Teach me to walk in this daily. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Until Next Time,

Live Audaciously!

Kay Naomi  


A Bird's Eye View


Made To Soar