Swiper No Swiping
While an entire book could be written on the thieves of discipline, I just want to focus on three.
Fighting Discouragement
We all face discouragement at some point in our lives. God has provided different ways for us to combat discouragement on our journey with Him.
Prayer: The Fuel Of Purpose
Prayer is an important aspect of our lives. It is how we are able to communicate with God.
I Think I Can
Henry Ford put it this way: “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
We have all heard the term “comfort zone” a million times, and yet, in some areas of our lives, we still live there. We know it is not the place where we grow and flourish.
Look Again
As I pondered my experience, this question came to mind: How often do we forgo an idea or a venture because it did not work the first few times we tried it?
Away From The Noise
The reality is, on this journey of purpose, we have to be connected consistently to the Purpose Giver. He (God) already has the plan for us but we have to be quiet enough to hear His instructions, daily. It is not enough to have a conversation every once in a while
The Beauty Of Pain
No one wants to experience pain. However, God has a way of using everything in our life - even pain.
A Page From My Book
We all have a story to tell. This is an intimate part of mine. I believe there is power in sharing are struggles and how we have overcome.
Lessons Learned In My Car
We can always learn from our every day lives. The lessons don’t stop when we are finished with school.
No Man Is An Island
We need each other. There is a song we used to sing years ago at a church I attended that would bring me to tears. Something powerful and intangible happened each time we sang the words to each other.
Do It Anyway
Being vulnerable is an area I have struggled with. Before I continue, I want to share a definition of vulnerability I heard from Brene Brown which captures beautifully the essence of the word for the context of our conversation.
What Are My Strengths?
I love a good personality test. This one in particular was pretty spot on!
You Are What You Eat
What put in our bodies and what we feed our minds has a great impact on us. How it affects us is directly connected to whether our diet is healthy or not.
Your Choice
I am certain you have heard the adage that if you say “yes” to one thing you are essentially saying “no” to something else. A simple google search will garner a myriad of articles discussing this very topic. The words may be arranged differently but the meaning is the same.
There Is Room
People believe there is not enough room at the table for everyone so it is a kill or be killed mentality. Only one person can be on top. Only one person can “win.”
Running From Myself
I was dead inside. I was a shell of the person I used to be. I used to be the one encouraging others to trust God. I used to be the one walking in my God given purpose. I used to be but I had no fight left in me.